lunes, 13 de junio de 2016


Youtube es una gran plataforma on pots trobar grans cantants que encara no han estat descoberts. Molta gent es dedica a ser “Youtuber” una gran feina, molt ben remunerada. Un exemple de superació a youtube es “Yellow Mellow”. Una de les seves habilitats de youtube es el cant. Té dues cançons molt reconegudes per als seus seguidors, i jo vull compartir-ne una! Aqui teniu la cançó de “Phantom Limb”! La lletra i la música a continuació!
Disfrutau la música!

"You used to talk that you're sweet about the shit out of me, 
now I turned off the radio.
And I'm sure that you wore what I hated before.
Now I feel so comfortable.
Now you are a superheroe crap,

an uninspired mess
got me climbing up the walls.
I needed more, I had to go

But here it comes again,
I miss you like a phantom limb
Itching right under my skin.
I don’t need you but I’m still craving.
Here it comes again,

I miss you like a phantom limb
Itching right under my skin
Kinda lost but I don’t need saving

You kept checking on your phone.

When we were alone.
You have so much going on
but further I want to go.
The more you thought about home.

We were so impossible.
So unheld with your teens,
a prison to me.
No related that at all.
I needed more, I had to go.

But here it comes again,

I miss you like a phantom limb
Itching right under my skin.
I don’t need you but I’m still craving.
Here it comes again,

I miss you like a phantom limb
Itching right under my skin
Kinda lost but I don’t need saving.

I don’t need saving.(x4)

But here it comes again,

I miss you like a phantom limb,
itching right under my skin.
I don’t need you but I’m still craving.
Here it comes again,

I miss you like a phantom limb.
Here it comes again,

I miss you like a phantom limb.
Itching right under my skin
Kinda lost but I don’t need saving.
Here it comes again,

I miss you like a phantom limb
Itching right under my skin
Kinda lost but I don’t need saving
I don’t need saving"

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